Shipping within the United States typically takes 5-7 business days. In-stock items are shipped right away, but if an item is on backorder, it may take a little longer. If an item is on backorder, we will notify you of the estimated ship date via e-mail. If we are unable to fill your order within 5 business days, we will put in on backorder and we will notify you of the estimated delivery date via e-mail. If you do not respond to the e-mail, we will assume that you would like your order to be processed and shipped when it becomes available. Please note that fabric designs and colors change frequently and may not always be available.
Fabric is sold in whole yards and is limited to 10 yards per prints.
If you select the wrong country that your order is shipping to we will notify you either via phone or email. If we do not hear from you within a few days we will assume that you are ok with the shipping charges and your order will be updated to the correct country. This will updated and correct the amount for shipping/handling fees.
Please note that a fabric maybe on our site and not currently in stock but expected for delivery. In some cases, the fabric print is not delivered and the fabric is not available. You will be notified if this occurs.
Color of the images may not be exactly the same as the actual look. Please see description for better color guide.